Mazzoni Center

Providing free or low-cost legal advice and assistance to LGBTQ people on issues related to their LGBTQ identity, with an emphasis on helping low-income and lower-income, underserved populations.

Philadelphia Bar Foundation Grant Impact

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation’s grant not only provides essential funds for Mazzoni Center but also confirms stature within the legal services community. Through the Bar Foundation, Mazzoni Center forms and strengthens connections with other Bar Foundation grantees, including financial support and pro bono assistance from law firms in Philadelphia.

In turn, these connections have expanded potential audiences for Mazzoni Center legal services events, programs, and services. The Bar Foundation grant also impacts programs through grantee-specific opportunities like the Philadelphia Bar Foundation's R. Nicholas Gimbel Fund for Legal Excellence (advocacy training program), which trains attorneys and fellows in important practice skills.

Summary List of Programs and Services

Mazzoni Center provides direct legal services and referrals for pro bono legal assistance to low income persons experiencing legal problems relating to their LGBTQ identity in the areas of practice identified on our website.

Summary List of Priorities for Client Intake

Employment discrimination, including workplace harassment; Health care access, including insurance coverage; Public accommodations discrimination; Family law and parenting issues; Relationship recognition and dissolution; Name changes and other corrections to identity document for transgender individuals; Wills, powers of attorney, and other advanced planning documents; Elder issues; Youth concerns, including access to education.

Signature Media

Mazzoni Center | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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