Our Grants Process

Unrestricted Grants for General Operating and Project Support

Grants are awarded in support of general operations, project support, and special circumstances. The Philadelphia Bar Foundation is proud to provide unrestricted grants; an important part of a nonprofit's ability to sustain operations and daily work.

2022 Grants at the Philadelphia Bar Foundation

The Bar Foundation is dispensing with its traditional grants process for 2022. Nor will it be accepting new applications. In line with its Strategic Plan, this year the Bar Foundation  is conducting a review and evaluation of its grantmaking with the following objectives in mind:

  • Whether to apply an equity lens to grantmaking and increase transparency about annual unrestricted grantmaking;
  • To explore trust-based philanthropy models including consideration of a participatory grantmaking structure for some, or all, of the Bar Foundation’s grant decisions; and
  • To consider the impact of Equal Justice Center initiatives on the Foundation’s grantmaking.

Pending fundraising achievements and developments in the market through the rest of the year, the Bar Foundation intends to provide unrestricted grants to current grantees in December 2022.

For questions, please contact Jessica Hilburn-Holmes.


Signature Media

Our Grants Process | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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