Judge Alfred L. Luongo Fund



The Judge Alfred L. Luongo Fund supports the “Supervision to Aid Reentry” or STAR Program of the Reentry Court, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The STAR Program seeks to help ex-offenders succeed in transitioning back to the community. The goal of the STAR reentry program is to provide support and resources to the individuals participating in the program. Founded in 2006, the program has met with great success in reducing recidivism and has attracted national attention. 

The Luongo Fund is administered by the Philadelphia Bar Foundation. Money is used to assist reentry participants with emergency expenses including assistance with education, employment, housing, health care, and child care. Decisions about allocations from the Fund are made by a committee involving representatives from the offices of the U.S. Attorney, the Federal Defender, the Probation Office, the Reentry Court, and the Philadelphia Bar Foundation.

The Luongo Fund also supports two specialized courts in the Eastern District that are critical in improving the chances of long-term success: the Mental Health Protocol program and Relapse Prevention Court, which provide structure and support to participants facing mental health issues and substance addiction. 

There is no requirement for participants to “pay back” or “replenish” the fund. However, the program does encourage participants to give back to future individuals who are in need.

Details about the Luongo Fund

How to Support the Fund

Anyone can donate to the Judge Luongo Fund by check, phone, or online through the Philadelphia Bar Foundation. If donating by check, please make the donation out to the “Philadelphia Bar Foundation” and designate “Luongo Fund” in the memo field of the check.

Donate to the Luongo Fund Online

For more information, please contact Jessica R. Hilburn-Holmes, Esq.

Signature Media

Judge Alfred L. Luongo Fund | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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