
Our Board of Trustees are a diverse and committed group of individuals working in local businesses, law firms, and corporate legal departments. All Trustees donate time, funding, and other resources to raise awareness about the Bar Foundation and to advance equal access to justice throughout their professional communities.


Treasurer; Finance Committee Chair; Equal Justice Center Committee Co-Chair
Anti-Racism Taskforce Co-Chair, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer
Assistant Secretary, EJC Co-Chair
Secretary; Grants Committee Co-Chair


Development/Fundraising & Events Committee Co-Chair
Chancellor, Philadelphia Bar Association
Human Resources Committee Chair
Harvey Hurdle headshot
Executive Director, Philadelphia Bar Association
Chancellor-Elect, Philadelphia Bar Association; Philly Justice Ball Committee Co-Chair
Board Development Committee Chair
Philly Justice Ball Committee Co-Chair
Partnerships & Programs Committee Co-Chair