Meet the Philadelphia Bar Foundation's Summer 2021 Interns


This summer, the Philadelphia Bar Foundation team was joined by two talented and dedicated interns. Learn more about our Summer 2021 interns, the projects they've been working on, and why equal access to justice matters to them.

Pictured above, from left to right:

Name: Rachael Parker

Hometown: Haddon Township, NJ

Education: Rising Sophomore at Rutgers University, Majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Political Science

Most interesting thing I learned while working at the Philadelphia Bar Foundation: One of the most interesting things that I learned while interning at the Bar Foundation is eveything that goes on behind the scenes at a legal aid organization; the multitude of projects and type of work that has to be done simultaneously to keep everything running smoothly and furthering the organization's mission. 

Why I care about equal access justice: Growing up across the bridge from Philadelphia, I've always been aware of the injustices that exist in our City and beyond. I realize that not everyone was afforded the same priveleges as I was. Organizations like the Philadelphia Bar Foundation and it's nonprofit partners provide crucial support and resources that all Philadelphians deserve. 


Name: Sarine Kaprielian

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Education: Rising Junior at Thomas Jefferson University, Law & Society Major with a minor in Psychology

Most interesting thing I learned while working at the Philadelphia Bar Foundation: I never knew about all the different legal aid nonprofits in my area and the work they're doing for communties and individuals across Philadelphia. 

Why I care about equal access to justice: Equal access to justice should be a basic human right, but that is not the case for a lot of people throughout the country and right here in Philadelphia. Simply "wanting" equality will never be enough - people need access to resources and support, regardless of race, gender, religion, income, or any other factor. 

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Meet the Philadelphia Bar Foundation's Summer 2021 Interns | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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