Nonprofit Partner Spotlight: Public Interest Law Center


Public Interest Law Center (PILC) advocates for the advancement of civil, social, and economic rights for underprivileged communities in the Philadelphia region. Through litigation, community education, organization of access to resources and advocacy programs, the center helps individuals in their fight against discrimination, poverty, and inequality.

Since 1969, PILC has grown and adapted with the community it serves. There are six practice areas including employment, environmental justice, healthcare, housing, public education, and voting.  The center is deeply connected to the Philadelphia community and has a multitude of partnerships with law firms and solo attorneys engaging in pro bono legal services. These partners aid with cases as far reaching as large-scale class action suits to individual employment disputes. The center also addresses discrimination and systematic barriers in employment through legal cases and community-based projects. The PILC supports communities in effectively advocating for sustainable and equitable neighborhoods. They are committed to attempting to eliminate systematic barriers to medical care for those enrolled in Medicare, promoting affordable housing projects and access to high quality public education, as well as working to protect voters’ rights. 

Recently, Public Interest Law Center has presented testimony on environmental justice and the impact of climate change to a House Democratic Policy Committee, advocated for a wrongfully transferred employee, and filed a public comment opposing the Department of Commerce’s inclusion of a question regarding citizenship on the 2020 census. These are only a few examples that scratch the surface of the work that PILC has been doing for the Philadelphia community for the past 50 years.

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Nonprofit Partner Spotlight: Public Interest Law Center | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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