SeniorLAW Center saves the day!

After having all of his possessions deceptively stolen right out from under his feet, 91-year-old WWII US Air Force veteran had nowhere else to turn to except our nonprofit partner, SeniorLAW Center. A con artist had befriended him in 2012 and scammed him into turning over the titles to his antique vehicle collection and had him take out a home equity loan for the perpetrator’s benefit. He ended up having his home sold with all of his belongings, including his military memorabilia, and all the benefits of the sale stolen.

SeniorLAW Center was able to file civil suit on his behalf, working with the Philadelphia Police Department and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office to have the perpetrator arrested and his belongings either returned or replaced. We’re proud to partner with the SeniorLAW Center, as they help to protect our vulnerable senior citizens. Want to learn more about how SeniorLAW Center protects the Rights of older Pennsylvanians, follow this LINK.

Signature Media

SeniorLAW Center saves the day! | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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