Grantmaking & Support

Our legal aid nonprofit partners provide access to justice for over 430,000 low-income Philadelphians.

Women Organized Against Rape - A group of their advocatesOur grants and support for nearly 40 legal aid nonprofits in Philadelphia promote access to justice and remove barriers for people facing poverty, abuse, and discrimination.

Grants are awarded in support of general operations, project support, and special circumstances. The Philadelphia Bar Foundation is proud to provide unrestricted grants; an important part of a nonprofit's ability to sustain their operations and daily work.

The Bar Foundation Removes Barriers to Justice

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation is the only foundation in our city that is dedicated to strengthening the delivery of civil legal aid. We sustain and support our legal services community by providing unrestricted grants and other support.

Research shows that every dollar invested in legal aid yields, on average, an $11 benefit for the individual, their family, and the whole community.

The Access to Justice Gap

Philadelphia has the worst poverty rate of the largest U.S. cities.

Only 1 in 5 low-income individuals and families in Philadelphia receive legal assistance needed for crucial problems affecting their lives.

Supporting the Full Range of Legal Services

Nearly 40 nonprofit legal aid organizations receive annual grants and other support from the Philadelphia Bar Foundation, representing the full range of vital services for people in need.

Tens of thousands of clients per year receive direct services from organizations funded by the Bar Foundation, as well as thousands more who benefit through impact litigation and advocacy.

More than Just Grants

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation addresses a wide variety of needs in the legal aid sector, including training programs, fellowships, awards, and assistance for technical and operational issues.


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Grantmaking & Support | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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