Nonprofit Partner Spotlight: Homeless Advocacy Project


Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP) is elated to travel throughout Philadelphia to partner with the city’s finest direct services agencies in the effort to improve the lives of individuals facing or experiencing homelessness. Our pro bono legal services range from obtaining or amending critical identity documents necessary for housing, benefits, or employment (such as PA or out of state Birth Certificates), to providing representation to enable an individual to receive SSI/SSD benefits through our SOAR program, and beyond. The services we offer the unhoused community during these life changing interactions wouldn’t be possible without our many community partners—whether Broad Street Ministry, Bethesda Project, JEVS, SELF Inc., Valley Youth House, Veterans Multi-Service Center, or other incredible organizations, we’re glad to have Philadelphia’s best in our clients’ corner.

It takes a full community effort to end homelessness. We welcome you to join us in fulfilling our mission.

Contact HAP’s Pro Bono Coordinator, Maggie Oberkirker, at [email protected], for volunteer opportunities, CLEs for pro bono service, and the Madden exemption for New Jersey attorneys.
For more information about HAP and partnering with us, check out our volunteers and partners page: