Juvenile Law Center

Fighting for rights, dignity, equity, and opportunity for youth. Working to reduce the harm of the child welfare and justice systems, limit their reach, and ultimately abolish them so all young people can thrive.

Philadelphia Bar Foundation Grant Impact

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation's support augments Juvenile Law Center (JLC)'s unrestricted funds, which makes the organization more flexible and creative. Support from the Bar Foundation has enabled JLC to augment its youth engagement programs, incubate new projects, such as its project on expungement of juvenile records, and respond to new, urgent issues that are not supported by purpose-restricted grants. 

Summary List of Programs and Services

Information and referrals regarding the following issues: Adoption; Child Abuse; Child Welfare; Custody; Education; Emancipation; Foster Care; Health and Mental Health Issues; Juvenile Justice; and Teen pregnancy and Parenting. 

Summary List of Priorities for Client Intake

Juvenile Law Center does not provide direct representation to the public.

Signature Media

Juvenile Law Center | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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