Our Philanthropy and Community Engagement
Our Philanthropy for Justice
Nearly $4 million in revenue over the last five years from individual and business contributions, Raising the Bar Campaign, and charitable events.
In addition, $1 million in revenue earned on our growing endowment over the last five years, which plays a crucial role in sustaining grantmaking.
About $500,000 in revenue over the last five years from cy pres awards and arbitration fee donations.
Legal Community Participation
500 individual donors annually.
100 annual event sponsorships by law firms, corporate legal departments, vendors, and other businesses.
1,000 attendees at annual events.
500 long-term members of multi-year giving circles to build the Bar Foundation endowment in support of annual grants from interest income.
Over 100 individuals, both attorneys and non-attorneys, participate each year on the Board of Trustees and on various committees of the Bar Foundation.
Nearly 200 law firms and corporate legal departments have participated in the Raising the Bar Campaign since 2006, with the goal of annually pledging $300 per attorney (or more) to help close the access to justice gap.