Philadelphia Bar Foundation Welcomes Two New Trustees

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation is excited to announce the recent addition of Stephen A. Fogdall and Jeannine Kenney to the Board of Trustees. They were voted in by the current Trustees during the February Board of Trustees Meeting.

Stephen A. Fogdall is a partner with Dilworth Paxson LLP. Stephen maintains a diverse and sophisticated litigation practice, with a focus in business litigation, financial services litigation, and class action defense. He has counseled banks, mortgage lenders, mortgage insurers and other financial institutions in handling claims brought under federal consumer protection laws, including the Real Estate Settlement Procedures (RESPA), Homeowners Protection Act (HPA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). He has extensive trial and appellate experience in federal and state courts in multiple jurisdictions. He has argued appeals in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, the D.C. Circuit, the Delaware Supreme Court, and Pennsylvania appellate courts. Regarding joining the Foundation, he says “I have been very aware for years of the important work the Foundation does in the Philadelphia community for people who unfortunately lack the resources they need to address the serious legal challenges they are facing. I am excited to become more involved in the Foundation, and, on a personal note, I hope it will enhance my own pro bono practice by giving me an opportunity to work more closely with legal services organizations that the Foundation supports.” 

Jeannine Kenney, a partner with Hausfeld LLP, has been with the firm since its inception in 2008. She specializes in complex multi-district litigation, with a focus on private enforcement of federal and state antitrust laws. Jeannine’s expertise also includes eDiscovery. She is ranked by Chambers USA in Band 4 for electronic discovery and regularly speaks on eDiscovery issues at national conferences and trainings. Prior to obtaining her J.D., Jeannine worked for many years in public policy, Including serving as a legislative aide for United States Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold and as policy analyst for Consumer Reports, testifying before Congress and regulatory agencies on consumer protection issues.

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation and its Board of Trustees are thrilled to welcome such experienced, respected, and dedicated professionals to the organization.

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Philadelphia Bar Foundation Welcomes Two New Trustees | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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