Board Observer Program Applications are OPEN

Heading into their sixth year of administering the Board Observer Program (BOP), the Philadelphia Bar Foundation, the Delivery of Legal Services Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association (DLSC), and the Young Lawyers Division of the Philadelphia Bar Association (YLD) are looking to welcome a new class of nonprofits and Observers.

The BOP gives young lawyers practicing in Philadelphia County the opportunity to learn more about local legal services organizations and other nonprofits, and to gain the kinds of leadership skills necessary to serve on the boards of such organizations as well as to succeed in their future careers.

Applications for new nonprofits are due on Monday, September 11. Applications for Board Observers are due on Monday, September 18. Please note: if you are a non-profit looking to reapply, you do NOT have to submit an Expression of Interest form but just have to e-mail and let us know your intentions to remain in the Program. Visit the Board Observer Program webpage for more details. 

Signature Media

Board Observer Program Applications are OPEN | Philadelphia Bar Foundation


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